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FOSC Forward
May 23, 2019

Greetings in the name of our Lord!  Friends Of Sihora Clinic connects believers around the world to effectively minister to the people in the Sihora area, through spiritual, financial and organizational support
Meet Mr. Roshin Sam, our new administrator of Healthcare Services at the Sihora Clinic. Roshin comes with a background in social work, economics, and theology. He loves to see God move in communities, and will be working with us to build up a medical outreach program that will address the needs of the people. He will be organizing the volunteers and completing the Community Needs Assessment. Thank you Roshin!
Community Needs Assessment:


The Assessment will provide data for designing an effective healthcare program.

The Survey translation into the local language is completed

The villages and homes to be sampled have been identified.

Volunteers will begin collecting data next week. 

Pray for an effective and accurate data collection

We welcome Dr. Jyoti, the doctor who will be providing medical care to the community for the next 2 years. She provides valuable input in the designing and planning of the healthcare Initiative. Please pray that the Lord will grant strength and guidance as she serves the community in Sihora.
The Strategic Support Group met on March 15, 2019. We welcomed Dr Santhosh (far right), Dr. Jyoti (5th from right) and Dr. George (6th from right). Their experience and guidance will be a tremendous help for the planning of healthcare services. Next meeting is set for Sept 15. The Needs Assessment will be reviewed and a program will be designed based on the communities needs. Please pray that the Lord will grant effective and efficient planning.
FOSC Family Picnic

 Sat. June 8th @ 12:00


 935 Bimmerle Place, San Jose

Enjoy traditional BBQ spread 
Interactive “Tree of Spiritual Gifts” and “Unreached People Groups” 
Progress update from Sihora Clinic
Location is 1 mile from MHC!
RSVP to Picnic
Visit Friends Of Sihora Clinic
Your generosity makes this ministry possible! Keep the Sihora Fellowship n your prayers as we continue to support the work they have been called to do. Thank you for your involvement!
   Lynn Kuehn – Program Director
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